Science for Year 5


Science for Year 5


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Science for Year 5

School Education divided into 13 grade levels. Each grade level has certain standards for different skills. Teacher’s job is to detect students’ real year level and her/his needs to continue her/his academic development. 

A comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives for science year 5. The objectives detail what the learner should know or what they should be able to do in science in year 5 of primary education.

E      Scientific enquiry
Ep     Ideas and evidence
• 5Ep1 Know that scientists have combined evidence with creative thinking to suggest new ideas and explanations for phenomena.
• 5Ep2 Use observation and measurement to test predictions and make links.
Ep     Plan investigative work
• 5Ep3 Make predictions of what will happen based on scientific knowledge and understanding, and suggest and communicate how to test these.
• 5Ep4 Use knowledge and understanding to plan how to carry out a fair test.
• 5Ep5 Collect sufficient evidence to test an idea.
• 5Ep6 Identify factors that need to be taken into account in different contexts.
Eo     Obtain and present evidence
• 5Eo1 Make relevant observations.
• 5Eo2 Measure volume, temperature, time, length and force.
• 5Eo3 Discuss the need for repeated observations and measurements.
• 5Eo4 Present results in bar charts and line graphs.
Eo     Consider evidence and approach
• 5Eo5 Decide whether results support predictions.
• 5Eo6 Begin to evaluate repeated results.
• 5Eo7 Recognise and make predictions from patterns in data and suggest explanations using scientific knowledge and understanding.
• 5Eo8 Interpret data and think about whether it is sufficient to draw conclusions.

B      Biology
Bp     Plants
• 5Bp1 Know that plants need energy from light for growth.
• 5Bp2 Know that plants reproduce.
• 5Bp3 Observe how seeds can be dispersed in a variety of ways.
• 5Bp4 Investigate how seeds need water and warmth for germination, but not light.
• 5Bp5 Know that insects pollinate some flowers.
• 5Bp6 Observe that plants produce flowers which have male and female organs; seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the ovum (female).
• 5Bp7 Recognise that flowering plants have a life cycle including pollination, fertilisation, seed production, seed dispersal and germination.

C      Chemistry
Cs     States of matter
• 5Cs1 Know that evaporation occurs when a liquid turns into a gas.
• 5Cs2 Know that condensation occurs when a gas turns into a liquid and that it is the reverse of evaporation.
• 5Cs3 Know that air contains water vapour and when this meets a cold surface it may condense.
• 5Cs4 Know that the boiling point of water is 100°C and the melting point of ice is 0°C.
• 5Cs5 Know that when a liquid evaporates from a solution the solid is left behind.

P      Physics
Pl     Light
• 5Pl1 Observe that shadows are formed when light travelling from a source is blocked.
• 5Pl2 Investigate how the size of a shadow is affected by the position of the object.
• 5Pl3 Observe that shadows change in length and position throughout the day.
• 5Pl4 Know that light intensity can be measured.
• 5Pl5 Explore how opaque materials do not let light through and transparent materials let a lot of light through.
• 5Pl6 Know that we see light sources because light from the source enters our eyes.
• 5Pl7 Know that beams/rays of light can be reflected by surfaces including mirrors, and when reflected light enters our eyes we see the object.
• 5Pl8 Explore why a beam of light changes direction when it is reflected from a surface.

Pb     The Earth and beyond
• 5Pb1 Explore, through modeling, that the sun does not move; its apparent movement is caused by the Earth spinning on its axis.
• 5Pb2 Know that the Earth spins on its axis once in every 24 hours.
• 5Pb3 Know that the Earth takes a year to orbit the sun, spinning as it goes.
• 5Pb4 Research the lives and discoveries of scientists who explored the solar system and stars.

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