High School Physics


High School Physics


High School Physics American

This course is designed to give a sneak peak into the wonders of the universe and to provide the basics for all potential leaders out there. It is also based on American High school Physics curriculum according to Next Generation Science Standards. Enjoy the universe 🙂

What topics will you cover?

  • Motion in One Dimension
  • Two-Dimensional Motion and Vectors
  • Forces and the Laws of Motion
  • Work and Energy
  • Momentum and Collisions
  • Circular Motion and Gravitation
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Heat
  • Thermodynamics
  • Vibrations and Waves
  • Sound
  • Light and Reflection
  • Refraction
  • Interference and Diffraction
  • Electric Forces and Fields
  • Electrical Energy and Current
  • Circuits and Circuit Elements
  • Magnetism
  • Electromagnetic Induction
  • Atomic Physics
  • Subatomic Physics

Will I take the whole course or partial possible?

You may choose either partial or the whole course 😉


As Surgedu team, our biggest difference in the online educational field is that our teachers detect students’ real grade level and her/his needs to provide the most customized and need-based plan for the student’s academic development. 

To achieve this goal: 

  • 1st surgedu.com will diagnose the students’ real grade level for each skill
  • 2nd surgedu.com will inform you about the student’s  real grade level 
  • 3rd surgedu.com teachers will start online live session according to the student’s level
  • 4th professional surgedu.com teachers will adapt the plan accordint to the student in enhancing his/her capabilities.
  • 5th success becomes a part of student’s life as we tackle the needs and essential skills together 🙂


If you are thinking to take in a small group (2-3 people) OR

Do you have any question? Please


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